The 5 Most Important Antioxidants in Mangoes

 These days it seems that everyone is talking about antioxidants and how to include more of them in your diet – and Alphonso mangoes are an amazing source of antioxidants. But did you know that not all antioxidants are the same? Do you know which are the most important to your health? Do you understand what antioxidants do in your body? Do you know what antioxidants are found in Alphonso mangoes?

What is an antioxidant?

Antioxidants protect the cells of your body from damage by free radicals. Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that can react with your cells and DNA and damage them in the process. Free radicals are formed when certain compounds react with oxygen, and they're inevitably created by all sorts of processes: digesting food, going outside in the sun, and so forth. Your body creates some free radicals, and some are in the food you eat and the air you breathe.

Antioxidants are substances that can react with free radicals before they reach your cells and genes. Antioxidants react harmlessly with free radicals and neutralize them. But not all antioxidants are the same! Different antioxidants soak up different types of free radicals in different situations. Some antioxidants won't work inside the human body or can even be poisonous! So it's important not just to get enough antioxidants but to get the right antioxidants.

Read More: The King of Fruit "Mango"

Which antioxidants are in Alphonso mangoes?


Quercetin is a potent antioxidant found in many edible plants, particularly in Alphonso mangoes. It's a type of flavonoid, a class of pigments that give some fruits and vegetables their color. Flavonoids known as Vitamin P. Quercetin interacts with the body in complex ways and, like many other flavonoids, is suspected of acting against inflammation, cancer, and viral infection. It's also thought to stimulate the body to burn fat.


Mangiferin is an antioxidant found only in Devgad mangoes that scientists investigate against Alzheimer's disease, inflammation, cancer, and diabetes. Researchers suspect that mangiferin is not only effective at scavenging free radicals but is also adept at controlling the mechanisms that lead to systemic inflammation, a cause of many types of disease.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most important antioxidants in the human body, and mangoes have oodles of Vitamin C - three-quarters of your recommended daily intake per cupUnlike most plants and animals, humans can't produce Vitamin C by themselves, so all of our Vitamin C has to come from food. Vitamin C is not only a powerful antioxidant but also an essential nutrient. The human body uses Vitamin C to perform many functions; it's one of the most important micronutrients. Vitamin C is potent at eliminating free radicals partly because it dissolves in water and is easily absorbed and used by the body. Scientists think that Vitamin C might prevent damage to cells that lead to heart disease and cancer.

Vitamin A and beta-carotene

Vitamin A is another essential nutrient needed to function properly and another strong antioxidant. Mangoes have large quantities of Vitamin A – a quarter of your recommended daily allowance in every cup. Beta-carotene is a closely related antioxidant found in plants (particularly mangoes). It gives the fruit a red color. Your body can transform beta-carotene into Vitamin A. Unlike Vitamin C., Vitamin A dissolves in fat instead of water, which means that your body can store it for long periods. This also means that taking too much Vitamin A can be dangerous; that's one reason to get the Vitamin A you need from natural food sources like mangoes rather than from a supplement. Vitamin A is used by the body to keep healthy eyes, skin, bones, maintain the function of the immune system, lower the risk of some forms of cancer, and generally repair damage caused by free radicals.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is another essential vitamin found most commonly in leafy green plants and mangoes. Not historically renowned as an antioxidant, Vitamin K has recently been investigated for its ability to help cells resist the effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. There are some preliminary indications that Vitamin K may help slow the onset of Alzheimer's disease by protecting the brain's cells.

A fantastic source of healthy antioxidants

Those are just a few powerful and health-promoting antioxidants found in mangoes. Mangoes are packed full of the nutrients and minerals your body needs to be at its fittest!

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